Mellow, but not tired – Night 26 (3:50am)

20140406-044520.jpgTonight’s new approach to meds has only produced two hours of sleep (12:30-2:30). In spite of this I’m at peace, feeling (at least at the moment) somewhat and refreshed. I’m hoping this is not a “new normal.” Bilirubin is a real bugger. Lots of time to pray, reflect, scratch, and be thankful.

Tonight I share with you a passage (quoted above) that really ministered to me (shared with me by a dear sister in Christ who recently has walked this road of suffering herself). You know me and how I encourage reading Scripture in it’s proper context. Here we have The Lord speaking (in the OT, and hundreds of years before His incarnation) and making a beautiful declaration to his wayward and covenant breaking people. It reveals The Lord’s heart, character, and purpose. Words that He would again repeat in Luke chapter four (revealing His identity and mission). Ok, context tackled for the most part.

This evening’s glorious reminder: These things that are mentioned (the pouring out of the oil gladness, the proclamation of Good News to the poor, the setting free of captives, comforting those who mourn, binding up the broken, causing the blind to see and the lame to walk, and so much more), these are things that God is still doing…TODAY…RIGHT NOW…through and by His Son, Jesus…the messiah…and the restorer of the cosmos. He’s in pursuit of you, and me, and the healing of nations. He is fast at work putting all things right that are wrong according to His steadfast love and wisdom.

God wants us to know Him in this way. It’s why He put on flesh and bone and did the things He did in His ministry…so that people would make the connection (then…and now) that it was He who was making good on His Isaiah 61 promises in Christ, and that it is still He who lives, and moves, and breathes to accomplish these same aims. May we reflect today on who The Lord is, and what he wants in our lives.

In the moment, that’s where I rest…as I close my eyes for another wink.

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